Kelly Jordan Presents to the National Judicial Institute
May 4, 2018
On May 3, 2018, our principal lawyer and fertility law expert Kelly Jordan, presented to the National Judicial Institute to Ontario Superior Court Judges. Along with her co-presenter and mediator Christine Kim, Kelly covered the topic: “When LGBTQ individuals decide to parent and establish a family and how these decisions inform positions they take when there is a break-down of the parental relationships.”
Some of the issues covered in the presentation included
– Decision that go into parenting for LQBTQ families
– Third parties involved in assisted human reproduction
– Legal issues related to parenting that arise upon breakdown of LGBTQ relationships
– The effects of not being able to pay for surrogacy and gamete donation.
The National Judicial Institute (NJI) in Ottawa is an independent, judge-led organization that provides relevant educational programs and resources to the judiciary made of 2500 members in Canada. They are world leaders in the design and delivery of judicial education, and Kelly D. Jordan Law Firm was honoured to contribute to their educational program this year.